
    &nbs員慢p; 8月12日,泰王國(guó)駐廣州領事(sh吧低ì)館商務領事(shì)友好(hǎo)訪問我協會(huì),就(j為志iù)雙方合作交流交換意見。我協會(高遠huì)花濤會(huì)長(cháng)我筆出面(miàn)接待,并向(xiàng)泰方詳細介紹了深圳零售業。泰方代書議表對(duì)深圳零售業表示出極大興趣,同時(shí)表示就厭願意向(xiàng)其會(huì)員推音近介我采購大會(huì),將(jiāng)協助邀請泰問資國(guó)企業參加,另,就(jiù)今兵校年九月泰國(guó)“一村一品”精品見數展,也向(xiàng)我會(huì)發(fā)出邀請,歡迎我會(huì)從事件子(shì)進(jìn)口工藝品貿易的會(huì)亮店員前往參觀。
The officers of trade 土你center of Royalthai Guan間信gzhou consulate-general ca購用lled on the leaders of 站愛our association and exchanged the sugg大生estions on deepening cooperation
The officers of trade center of Royalth河動ai Guangzhou consulate-gener體讀al friendly called on the leaders of ou音還r association and exch冷廠anged the suggestions on d工玩eepening cooperation on Aug.1知讀2th. The chairman of our association,街問 Hua tao, met them and introduced站林 situation of the retail b動懂usiness in Shenz間山hen. The Thai o跳知fficers showed high interes麗議ts in Shenzhen ret這自ail business and expresse南玩d they would like to propagandize CCG的到PF to their members and organize th近亮eir members to participate in the f如得air. At the same呢算 time, they especially invited我匠 our relative members 照朋to the OTOP life style 2005 in Bangkok.答女